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Breast Cancer Risk Discussion

Factors that influence breast cancer risk: Pesticides such as Atrazine (most common pesticide sprayed on lawns) are xenoestrogenic (mimic estrogen), as are pthalates (in plastics, most fragranced products, medical devices)-95% of us have detectable levels in our urine- BPA (plastics, canned foods including baby formula), and parabens (cosmetics, soaps), air fresheners and insect repellants. It […]

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Thyroid: The Most Misunderstood Organ in the Body

Thyroid: The Most Misunderstood Organ in the Body Are you suspicious about having thyroid dysfunction yet your labs are normal? Are you taking thyroid medication, yet are still symptomatic? The symptoms: Fatigue, feeling chilled, dry, thinning hair, dry skin, swelling, constipation, depression, muscle/joint pain, elevated cholesterol, low libido. The prevalence: 1 out of 7 US […]

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GMOs and nutrition


The term GMO (genetically modified organism) is everywhere. Our government says they are safe, good for the economy, yet 60 countries around the world, including Australia, Japan, and all of the countries in the European Union, have severe restrictions or outright bans on the production and sale of GMOs. GMO’s are designed to allow chemical […]

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Supplement Safety

Recently, the New York State Attorney General’s Office accused four major retailers (GNC, Target, Walgreens and Walmart) of selling fraudulent and potentially dangerous herbal supplements and demanded that they remove the products from their shelves with a cease and desist order. Through testing, label claims were found to be fraudulent, as herbs listed were not […]

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probiophage for healthy GI flora

Introducing Probiophage

An exciting new addition to our treatment protocols for GI dysfunction! Probiophage includes not only a blend of healthy probiotics, but also a bacteriophage. This is a non-GMO, dairy free substance that targets bacteria in a very therapeutic way: Raises levels of healthy intestinal bacteria. Reduces levels of unfriendly flora, i.e. E. coli bacteria. Reduces […]

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