Spectracell Micronutrient Testing
Why guess what vitamins and mineral you need? Doesn’t it make sense to test your blood to see what your individual requirements are?
Spectracell testing offers the most advanced methods to examine your unique nutritional status. This state-of-the-art testing doesn’t rely on serum levels of nutrients, which is more of a one-size-fits-all approach, and assumes that sufficiency and demand is the same for all individuals. Your Spectracell results, more specifically, can indicate what your body needs to maintain its optimal health, unique to your individuality. SpectraCell’s micronutrient testing offers a unique means to scientifically assess your intracellular requirements of micronutrients allowing the ability to personalize your diet and supplement protocol.
To perform the testing, blood is drawn and your lymphocytes, a component of your white blood cells, are sent to the lab where they are placed in a media (bath) that contains the minimal amount of all of the micronutrients needed for optimal growth. Then they remove each of these micronutrient, ie B vitamins, calcium, etc. individually and the hope is that your cells are sufficient with regards to their inherent supply of each removed nutrient to sustain growth. In other words, they don’t have to rely on the media since your diet should be supplying adequate levels of each nutrient for optimal health.
Since lymphocytes stick around in the body for 4-6 months, this gives a detailed history of your nutritional status instead of just recent intake.
They also use this technology to see how well your cells handle antioxidant and immune stress.
This is how results are reported:
Antioxidant Analysis:
The same technology also provides a total antioxidant function test (SPECTROX™) which assesses the ability of cells to resist damage caused by free radicals and other forms of oxidative stress. Due to the considerable number of cellular antioxidants with extensive interactions, redundancies, repair and recharging capabilities, measuring total function is the most accurate and clinically useful way to assess your body’s capacity to resist oxidative damage. A low score would indicate a need to support the body’s antioxidant status, as low antioxidant levels are associated with multiple symptoms and diagnoses.
Immune Analysis:
A patient’s IMMUNIDEX™ score is evaluates a person’s immune system performance. Specifically, it measures T-cell lymphocyte proliferation. Since immune function is a systemic measure of general health, a higher IMMUNIDEX™ score is generally desired since it means a person can respond efficiently not only to external threats such as pathogens or allergens, but also to internal threats like tumors.
Micronutrient deficiencies will undermine a person’s immune function, and thus lower the IMMUNIDEX™. Since the highly complex immune system is dependent on the intracellular availability of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, correcting specific micronutrient deficiencies typically raises the IMMUNIDEX™ and contributes to tangible clinical benefits, such as reduced infections.
Easy-to-read, comprehensive test results are returned within three weeks.
Each report provides a scientific analysis of your nutritional deficiencies.